Getting Started with AWS Cloud and Docker: Complete Setup Walkthrough


3 min read

Environment Setup: Getting Started with AWS and Docker

Welcome to the first part of our comprehensive guide on setting up your environment for AWS Cloud and Docker! This series is designed to walk you through the essential steps, from creating your AWS account to mastering Docker commands.

Table of Contents

  1. Create an Account in AWS Cloud

  2. Create Linux Machine using the AWS EC2 service

  3. Connect to Linux Machine using MobaXterm OR Putty

  4. Install Docker software in Linux VM

  5. Docker Commands

  6. Docker Hub Account

Create an Account in AWS Cloud

To begin this journey, let's start by creating an AWS Cloud account if you haven't done so already. This account will be the gateway to unlocking the power of cloud computing.

Create Linux Machine using the AWS EC2 service

  1. Launch an Amazon Linux EC2 instance, your virtual playground in the AWS cloud.

  2. Customize instance type, storage, and security settings according to your needs.

  3. Configure the instance and either choose an existing key pair or generate a new one.

  4. With everything set, launch the instance and let the cloud magic begin.

Connect to Linux Machine using MobaXterm OR Putty

Now that your EC2 instance is up and running, use tools like MobaXterm or Putty to establish a secure connection. Simply input the instance's public IP and your private key for seamless access.

Install Docker software in Linux VM

Docker brings containers to life, and here's how you set it up in your Linux VM:

# Update package information and dependencies
$ sudo yum update -y
# Install Docker package
$ sudo yum install docker -y
# Start the Docker service
$ sudo service docker start
# Add the current user to the Docker group to avoid needing 'sudo'
$ sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user
# Exit the current session to apply group changes
$ exit

Docker Commands

With Docker installed, let's explore some essential commands:

$ docker info                    # Display Docker system information
$ docker images                  # List all Docker images
$ docker pull hello-world        # Pull the hello-world Docker image
$ docker run hello-world         # Run the hello-world Docker image
$ docker ps                      # List running Docker containers
$ docker ps -a                   # List all Docker containers (running + stopped)
$ docker inspect <image-id>      # Inspect a Docker image
$ docker rmi <image-name / image-id>     # Remove a Docker image
$ docker rmi -f <image-name / image-id>  # Forcefully remove a Docker image
$ docker stop <container-id>     # Stop a running Docker container
$ docker rm <container-id>       # Remove a Docker container
$ docker system prune -a         # Remove all stopped containers, unused images, and networks

Note: Create a Docker Hub Account

Don't forget to create an account on Docker Hub. This hub will be your launchpad to share, manage, and discover containerized applications.

Stay tuned for the upcoming parts of this series as we dive deeper into the world of AWS and Docker. Happy coding!

Stay connected with Pankaj Suryavanshi for more insights and updates. ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ #AWS #Docker #CloudComputing
